Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I've been working in the fitness industry for several years now. One of the things I do with my clients is a dietary analysis and the one thing that almost consistently shows up in every analysis I do is a severe vitamin D deficiency, even when all other vitamins and minerals are meeting the needed goals.
People are not only getting less vitamin D in their diets but they are also unaware of the fact that sunlight is the easiest way to get this essential nutrient. On top of that, the cosmetic industry has gone out of their way to scare people into thinking sunlight will do a number of HORRIBLE things to your skin. This simply isn't true.
The last straw for me came when my mother went to the doctor to find out that she had shrunk 3 inches in a matter of a few years. The reason? A vitamin D deficiency! 
I created this blog to make people aware of the undeniable fact that moderated sun exposure far outweighs the possible harm that can come from irresponsible sun exposure. It's time we let out bodies absorb sunlight the way it needs to and I want to do everything I can to reach out to people and let them know that the sun is not the enemy it has been made out to be and that avoiding it is FAR worse for your health than a healthy amount of regular exposure.