Sunday, May 29, 2011

Why Indoor Tanning Is Better Than Outdoor Tanning!

People always ask me what makes indoor tanning better than outdoor tanning. Part of me hates answering that question simply because there are SO many reasons that it can take forever to give a complete answer. So, I decided to make this week's post a nice organized list of the plethora of reasons you are better off getting your necessary vitamin D dose from a tanning salon then laying by the pool.

Exposure Control

Your body needs sunlight but it only needs a certain amount of it. Doctors vary slightly in their recommendations regarding the amount of exposure that you need but the general range is 15 to 20 minutes of direct UV exposure per day, without sunscreen. More than that and you risk burning. Less and you don't absorb enough UV light for proper Vitamin D synthesis. When using an indoor bed, you are only allowed to use it for a certain amount of time (usually between 12 and 20 minutes depending on the strength of the bulbs). This is in order to moderate the level of exposure you are getting and to prevent you from burning. Burning your skin is what can lead to skin cancer. Sun exposure alone does NOT lead to skin cancer and I will happily argue that point with anyone who wishes to do so!

Reduced Risk Of Burning

I'd be willing to bet that most of you have experienced at least one occasion where you take a trip to the beach or even the local pool to soak up some rays. You lay out that beach towel and make yourself comfortable then the next thing you know you wake up two hours later burnt to a crisp. That's the problem with outdoor tanning, you don't know anything about the UV exposure you are getting. You have no idea how strong the rays are, you don't know how much actual sunlight you are getting. Clouds come and go and that can affect the strength of the light your body is absorbing. 

Retina Protection

When using an indoor tanning salon, you are required to use goggles that protect your eyes from UV light. While moderated UV light is beneficial for your skin, it is quite dangerous for exposed eyes and the thin skin that makes up your eyelid is simply not enough protection for your eyes. How many people do you see laying out in the sun with goggles on? Not many at all! If you've ever laid out in the sun for an extended period of time and then gone inside, you may have noticed that everything had a purplish tint to it that lasted anywhere from a half hour to several hours. Guess what? That's sun damage you did to your eyes from exposing them to  UV rays. You know you are at a trustworthy salon if they ask to see your goggles before you are allowed to tan. If they don't, be very skeptical of their overall concern for your health.
One more thing regarding eye protection. Don't be stupid and show your goggles to the salon attendant and then not wear them in the bed. Goggles are now made so that they don't leave you with the "raccoon-eye" look so please, wear them the entire time you are in the bed. It's just good common sense!

Cosmetic Appeal

If you are tanning, there is a very good chance that you aren't going only for the vitamin D. Let's be honest: a person with a tan looks better than a person without one! This is where indoor tanning is a major plus over outdoor tanning. With an indoor bed, you get a nice even tan (including areas that you can't expose in public....I don't care what anyone say, tan lines are not attractive.) When tanning outdoors, it can take hours of exposure to get a tan that is most likely darker on the front than on the back and sides. Of course, the higher quality the tanning bed you use, the better results you will get. If you want the absolute perfect tan, just try the Ergoline 600 Turbo Bed. You can't do any better, period.
Tanning helps reduce the appearance of scars, clear mild cases of acne. Doctors prescribe tanning beds as a treatment for patients with both eczema and psoriasis (forms of dermatitis). Tanning makes you look thinner which is especially popular when it gets close to beach season. 

Here's something else to think about: Recent studies in Europe suggest that UV light exposure stimulates the thyroid gland (this is the gland that affects your metabolism). If this is proven to be true, that would mean that tanning can help you lose weight. Definitely stay tuned to this blog as I intend to follow this research closely!

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